
Education Assisstant V2.0

Updated new feature: Vocabulary,
which helps you understand the new vocabulary faster during online courses.

Checking checked vacabulary

Essay Generator

Citation feature is closed due to citation is a important part of a essay. Please write it by yourself.

Education Assistant V1.0

This is a tool that contains many features to reduce study time and improve study efficiency. You can use a button to create a thesis outline, remember the information, and don't need to enter information next time.

More features are coming soon.

Virus Analyzing Report

VirSCAN Report!

Version 1.2

Author: Jingyouni
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Jingyouni !
2020-07-01 Jingyouni
Movie Subtitles Searcher Movie Subtitles Searcher
Movie Subtitles Searcher
2020-03-07 Jingyouni